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Hotel Security in Florida: 5 Security Facts You Need to Know

Top 5 safety and security issues at the hotel

Hotel safety and security is a serious business. By law, even the smallest homes must meet certain criteria. From luxury hotels to hostels to smaller B&Bs, paying guests everywhere they visit must always pay attention to the safety and security of their facilities.

Hotel Security in Florida

The topic is broad, but the top five issues facing all hotel and accommodation providers in the United States and around the world are:

Hotel Safety and Security Concerns: Five Key Threats to Consider

#1. Safety Emergency
# 2. Rogue Visitors
#3. Theft (Physical and Identity)
#4. Cyber ​​Crime
#5. Antisocial Behavior

#1: Security Emergencies

Providing alarms, safety equipment, evacuation procedures, and emergency protocols is a must for any size residential property. Risks include, but are not limited to, fires, floods, natural disasters, and terrorism. Even with the system installed, it is imperative that all alarms, etc., be in good condition for regular overviews and adjustments, and for ongoing checks.

Challenges include fear factors at the time of the incident. Even with regular training, staff unfamiliar with dealing with high-octane situations can behave in unusual ways and endanger life. One way to get around this is to hire skilled civilian guards to handle stressful situations. Therefore, it is possible to exist in the hotel. Used with more normal security roles in the field ready to respond in an emergency.

#2. Unauthorized Visitors

Especially in large-scale hotels, there is always the problem that some people should not be on the scene. When added to public areas such as bars and restaurants, the scale of the problem is beginning to emerge. Staff should be encouraged to get to know guests to identify potentially unauthorized visitors, but using security guards and surveillance cameras is the most powerful way to deal with this. ..

#3. Theft

Theft of physical items is a common problem for both small businesses. This includes outside sources entering the facility for the purpose of stealing, personnel removing items from guests or other staff, theft of parking spaces, and theft of hotel property. Security cameras are mandatory. If you can, you can monitor 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and postpone security guards.

#4. Cyber ​​Crime

Cybercrime, especially identity theft, is a major risk to the hotel industry. Hackers only need access to the details of the many credit cards processed by the hotel. 21st-century pickpocket.

Implementing strict IT policies and continuous dynamic monitoring is a way around this. If possible, it would be advisable to utilize specialized cybersecurity services designed to continuously address this constantly evolving threat.

#5. Antisocial Behavior

Another major issue is the issue of antisocial behavior. Whether in public areas or rooms of the hotel, it is essential to take proactive measures to avoid escalation. This is best done with a combination of security presence and 24-hour CCTV. In this way, security guards can step down the volatile situation, or intervene, mitigate and contact appropriate law enforcement agencies if action warrants it.

Fyrewall Inc. is the leader in hotel safety and security in Florida

Hotel owners and management have legal and moral obligations to ensure that safety and security are at the highest standards possible. Fyrewall Inc., the leading security company in Florida, is an ideal partner for industry knowledge, offering unmatched service that covers all aspects that are legally required.

Contact information:

Fyrewall Inc.
Boynton Beach, Florida, USA
Phone: 561-506-9895