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Singapore heads for general election 2020

Singapore's Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong said that he decided to hold a general election during the outbreak of the coronavirus.

In response to Lee's announcement, the Prime Minister's Office said the nomination date will be June 30th, when President Halimah Yacob disbands parliament.

Elections officials said Singapore voters will vote on July 10.

Predictions have been made about the impending general elections in recent weeks as Southeast Asian countries lift restrictions introduced earlier this month and curb the spread of coronaviruses.

Singapore's Prime Minister Lee Shenlong said Tuesday that he decided to hold a general election during the outbreak of the coronavirus.

Following Prime Minister Lee's announcement, the prime minister's office said the nomination date will be June 30 with President Halimaya Jacob's dissolution of parliament. The elections section said Singapore voters will vote on July 10.

In a television speech, Lee explained his decision to hold an election now. As Singapore's situation is "relatively stable," he said he was "satisfied" with the ability to vote safely and the political parties to effectively campaign.

Predictions have been made over the last few weeks on imminent general elections as Southeast Asian countries lift restrictions introduced earlier this month and curb the spread of coronaviruses. Last week Singapore was able to ease most partial closure measures and resume almost all economic activity.

The ruling People's Action Party (PAP) has ruled the Southeast Asian city-states since 1959, before independence in 1965.

In the last election of 2015, the party won 69.9% of the votes, accounting for 83 out of 89 seats.

The number of parliamentary seats contested in the next election is expected to increase to 93, as recommended by the National Election Border Election Commission.

The consultant Economist Intelligence Unit said in a memo last week that PAP's turnout may drop from 2015 levels in the next election, but saves. "

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