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Best way to start your cannabis career

 Cheap bud Canada is on track to legalize the federal government, and as legalization increases nationwide, so does the industry. If you're interested in a cannabis career but aren't too excited to become a grower or pharmacy owner, don't worry. There are countless ways to integrate skills into the industry, especially as the industry continues to grow.

The cannabis industry is growing every moment and there are plenty of opportunities to join the industry you are really passionate about. If you're a cannabis lover and want to test your skills on plants, here are some of the nearly endless ways you can do it:


One of the most obvious ways to get in touch with cannabis is to work in a pharmacy. If you're new to the cannabis community and want to learn everything about plants, working in a pharmacy is a great way to absorb all the information and make money at the same time.

Budtenders are expected to be fully aware of all the products in the pharmacy, so if you are interested in handling the products, do a preliminary survey, try different types, and how many as needed We encourage you to get the recommendations. But you will learn on the fly enough to contribute to your entire cannabis career.

To harvest:

Another great way to learn more about cannabis? By growing it! If you enjoy working outdoors or by hand, becoming a cannabis harvester may be the best step for a cannabis career.

Cannabis harvesting involves a variety of tasks such as cultivation, pruning, and packaging. This is a fairly labor-intensive job, so be prepared to do it. But the harvesting process is undoubtedly a labor of love and teaches us a lot about caring for plants.


Most pharmacies provide delivery services to their customers, especially those who are medical cannabis patients. Delivery jobs are perfect for those who like a lot of freedom, versatility, and a day's trip.

If you have a car, this truck is a great way to explore your surroundings while making money, and most importantly, bring more weeds to the world! You can also deliver by cycling-note that this is a much more physically demanding route.


Are you passionate about weeds with a law enforcement background? Security working in a pharmacy is a great way to combine passion and skills.

There are plenty of opportunities to participate, like all pharmacies and regions where cannabis is produced require a high degree of security.

Web developer:

If you work in web development, you know how versatile the industry is, and there is certainly a high demand for cannabis developers. Whether you're working on a pharmacy website, a cannabis brand, or a delivery app, it's easy to find a way to wear a digital hat.

If you have a background in communication, web design, graphic design or digital media, cannabis web development is a career path you should consider.

Marketing / PR / Writing:

The world of marketing / public relations is as versatile as web development, especially as much of our daily lives appear on the internet. If you have a background in marketing, public relations, copywriting, or anything else in the field, you will be a great asset to the cannabis industry.

As the market continues to legalize, brands and pharmacies continue to emerge, creating a need for publication along with their openings. Come in, you.

Event planning:

Event planning is a stressful but exciting career path and there are countless opportunities to incorporate your skills into cannabis. With 420 festivals nationwide, as the industry grows, more festivals, forums, exhibitions, and more will be needed.

These are just a few ways to get involved, but if you have the skills, it could be featured in the cannabis industry. Be creative, follow your passion and see what helps you.