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Should I Trade in the First Fifteen Minutes?


Best Time Frame For Day Trading

Do I need to trade in the first 15 minutes?

One to two hours after the stock market opens is the best time frame for daytime trading. However, most trading channels on the stock market are open in India from 9:15 am. So why not start at 9:15 am? If you are a veteran trader, trading within the first 15 minutes may not be a big risk. If you are a beginner, we recommend that you wait until 9:30 am. The reason behind this is simple. In the first few minutes after the market opens, stocks may be reacting to the news the night before.

Transactions often show sharp price fluctuations in a particular direction. This is called the "dumb money phenomenon" because people make the best guesses based on old news. Veteran traders can make some valuable trades within the first 15 minutes. They usually take advantage of very high or low price points and reverse it in the opposite direction. The market will look very volatile for beginners who have never heard of the phenomenon of stupid money, or the strategies used by experienced traders to oppose it. Therefore, it is safer to wait until 9:30 am than to board at 9:15 am.

Learn more: Best Time Frame For Day Trading